
Mobile Application & Admin Panel

About the project

AudioControl is hybrid analyzer of dialogues with customers, working to increase sales

Retail Analytica LLC
UI/UX research and designMobile App: Native (Swift, Kotlin)Web App: React JSBackend: Golang

Problems and solution

Business owners want to know if their employees provide the best service every day. Training in sales skills does not guarantee protection against losses associated with incorrect communication between the seller and the buyer

AudioControl made it possible to analyze dialogues with customers in such detail, as if the business owner was personally present at the transaction in each of his stores. Listening to the key moments of real conversations, the employer sees the seller's mistakes, weaknesses in marketing and can influence the quality of service.

How it works

Automatic quality control through conversations recording and analysis. The user can analyze meetings and negotiations recordings between a manager and clients, partners or employees. It can be done manually, or even better in fully automatic mode, using speech recognition, keywords and built-in analytics. User sets a list of security questions and criteria for a successful dialogue, the rest will be done by AudioControl.


Records Register

The records storage is divided into folders of company accounts and records by date. Convenient functionality will allow you to flexibly configure the storage period of records for different company accounts. Right in the application You can give employees permissions to listen and analyze records and set access levels. And, of course there is a simple and convenient search filtering by parameters and keywords.

Audio Recording Moderation

Our simple system for listening and moderating recordings allows you to mark successful recordings, set priority, view an interactive map with geolocation and statistics. Lots of flexible reports and charts with reports sorted by following statuses: moderated, non-moderated, cheating, success, time. Implemented system allows to track moderator’s effectiveness in terms of time, number of applications, entries and exits and also fraud protection. Users can upload work results to a CSV table with moderation results and work reports.


Improving Efficiency

A large tobacco company was able to increase employee productivity from 64% to 98%.

Improving the quality of work of employees

30% of promoters quit, realizing that they would not be able to work in good faith